I am happy to have Dean's surgery scheduled; it gives me a timeline to work with. It feels good to be planning and preparing rather than waiting.The email with information about his surgery contained mostly directions and formalities. I am going to try to schedule a tour of the children's hospital when we go for his pre-op appointment so I 'll know what to expect for sleeping accommodations and things available to keep me occupied while I'm waiting for Dean to recover. I am also in the process of getting paperwork authorized for Ben and I to direct donate blood for his surgery. Ben is unsure of his blood type, but I am O negative (the universal donor) and should be able to provide for his transfusion. Direct donating isn't necessary, but I feel better about having mine available. I have tried donating blood before and it has not gone well so I would appreciate your prayers since Dean's chance of needing a transfusion is 90%. In the meantime, Dean has been continuing to see Ann, his craniosacral therapist, each week. He really enjoys his therapy, and I am amazed at the improvements I see after every visit. Anne has been relieving the pressure caused by the overlapping sutures and uneven head growth. Some of the overlapping has actually lessened (you can feel it) at the base of his sagittal suture. He is also having tight areas in his neck release allowing him to improve his motors skills quickly. In one session he went from having limited neck support to controlling his head easily and holding his head high and strong when on his tummy. He is like a new baby every time we come home. He now roles back and forth at will and has improved fine motor skill (grasps and holds objects with both hands.) My mom was able to go with me to his last appointment and saw some of his rapid improvements. I am so thankful that the Lord made this known to us right away. I think this would be a great boon to any child, but I am sure that it is saving Dean from potential set backs that could be caused by his unusual circumstances. Craniosacral therapy can also improve the immune system 30-40%; I am very thankful for that as we look toward several days in a hospital. An added bonus...Dean always sleeps very well after therapy. And so do I!