I apologize for posting this later than I had planned, but the weekend was even busier than I had expected. Dean had an appointment on Thursday in Camp Hill with Beth, the caniosachral therapist that my nutritionist had referred me to. She was very thorough. She asked me more questions about my pregnancy, delivery, and Dean's development over the past four months than anyone. She has seen a lot of infants with craniosynostosis, so I was interested in her opinion on Dean's situation. She said she was very happy about three main things: Dean's weight, his vision, and the soft spot that remains near his forehead (anterior fontanelle). She said she sees a lot of babies that seem grey and underweight; Dean definitely has no problem there! She also said that she often sees problems with vision control in some babies, but Dean has no signs of any issues there either. Beth said that if Dean did not have the open soft spot in the front that he would probably need a surgery immediately because the brain would have no where to grow, but since he does we should be able to safely wait for the surgery date that John Hopkins gives us. Beth treated Dean almost exactly the way Ann does, so I will continue to go to Anne for regular therapy since she is closer. I was glad to get one more opinion on our situation. God has provided perfect peace of mind through all of the consistent advice we are receiving from each and every professional! In fact, I was checking a forum for parents of kids with CS (http://www.cappskids.org/) and everyone who had gone to John Hopkins loved the surgeons that we met with, and had nothing but positive reports about the care they received there. Ben and I have decided that we are going to have them perform Dean's surgery. I am just waiting for them to contact us with the surgery dates.
Dean had a lot of extra hugs, kisses, and prayers today. All of his grandparents and great-grandparents joined us as we dedicated him to the Lord in church. It was very important to us to renew our commitment as parents to ask God for His guidance and blessings as we continue to raise all three of our precious children. Our kids are all very blessed to have Christian Grandparents who lift them up in prayer and celebrate occasions like today. After lunch we took photos that included four generations! I am so thankful that my children have the benefits of a Christian heritage. Dean' s dedication was a great excuse to enjoy our little cutie with our loved ones; but most importantly, it was a serious reminder that Ben and I have been made stewards, not owners of our children.
"Everything in life which we commit to God is really safe." - A. W. Tozer